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Adoptable Cats With Sweet Whiskers Team

All these cats are owner surrenders and have worked with our professional cat behaviorist for a minimum of one month prior to seeking rehoming as a course of action. 

In many cases it is not the fault of the cat and we urge you to look closely to see if a profile is a good match for your household. 

If a cat is listed as an animal shelter resident, that means they are not under the care of Sweet Whiskers, but instead the shelters care and sponsored through Sweet Whiskers. Each of these cats will have the full cost of their adoption given to them in credit towards Sweet Whiskers services. 

If your interested in a cat that has been listed, please fill out our adoption form here: Adopt A Cat

Breed: Ragdoll 
Color/Pattern: Seal Point 
Age: 8 years 2 months

Altered: Yes
Declawed: No
Outdoor access: No

Known Health Conditions:
Stomatitis & heart murmur (grade 1) & pica
Noteworthy behaviors:
  • Does display pica tendencies. Chews non edible items around the house and has been observed swallowing this at times. While technically this is pica, we have noticed this behavior mostly tied to comfort due to pain/ and or oral stimulation needs (rooting back to the stomatitis). This has become a learned habit for him, and he is working with a trainer/behaviorist to break these behaviors.  â€‹
  • ​Does not prefer canine companions. Watson can tolerate canines and is able to share space with them safely, but this is not his preference. There have been a few occasions where Watson's superb communication skills have come out when testing this. At this time dogs present in the home aren't necessarily a disqualifier however we will be searching for a home that has no dogs as a first priority, second priority goes to homes without dogs with higher play/prey drive. Regardless of size of canine. â€‹
 * Adoption applications are now being accepted, final placement will be determined based on applicant meeting his stomatitis and pica needs.*
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What education and or certifications does this groomer have? or are pursing currently?
While grooming isn't necessarily a regulated field requiring a degree to get into... it is a field that allows you to see a wide variety of talents and skills. Since there are no licensing requirements it is imperative that owners take it in their own hands to research who they are trusting their kitty with! 

Some important things to check out/ask your groomer:

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